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11.09.2006 |
Pet care |
Animals as pets are responsibility, every time you wanna purchase animal in your local pet store you must be prepared to give them proper medical care, bathe them and feed them.
But then again, sometimes you don't wanna push it to hard.
A pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment, as opposed to livestock, laboratory animals, working animals or sport animals, etc which are kept for economic reasons. The most popular pets are noted for their loyal or playful characteristics, for their attractive appearance, for their song. Pets generally seem to provide their owners with non-trivial health benefits; keeping pets has been shown to help remove stress. There is now a medically approved class of 'therapy animals', mostly dogs, who are brought to visit confined humans (some illnesses, age related disabilities, etc). Walking a dog can also provide its owner (as well as the dog) with exercise, fresh air, and social interaction.
Labels: _animals
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It's a nice post. I got to know a lot relating to pets as I too have a small family of pets. Did you read my " Dog Training " post? You might enjoy it. All the best from Asheville N.C, eh?
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It's a nice post. I got to know a lot relating to pets as I too have a small family of pets. Did you read my " Dog Training " post? You might enjoy it.
All the best from Asheville N.C, eh?