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10.30.2006 |
Having Trouble with Nature? |
Having trouble with your local volcano? Here's an ingenious sollution to your problem, hopefully you have a cork factory in your town.
A volcano is a rupture in the earth's surface or crust, allowing hot, usually molten rock, ash, and gases originating deep below the surface to periodically escape. Volcanic activity involving the extrusion of rock tends to form mountains or mountain-like features over time. And volcanos are defenitley not to be played with!
Droughts can also be helped very easily, you just need some thread and a lot of patience.
Conceptually, there are four main types of drought:
Meteorological drought is brought about when there is a prolonged period with less than average precipitation. Meteorological drought usually precedes the other kinds of drought. Agricultural drought is brought about when there is insufficient moisture for crop or range production. This condition can arise, even in times of average precipitation, owing to soil conditions or agricultural techniques. Physiological drought is a condition afflicting plants that have been exposed to too much salt, preventing them from absorbing water from soil. It is not related to climatological drought. Hydrological drought is brought about when the water reserves available in sources such as aquifers, lakes, and reservoirs falls below the statistical average. This condition can arise, even in times of average (or above average) precipitation, when increased usage of water diminishes the reserves.
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